Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Postcards from the Edge : Frog, Jelly, and Obi-Sven in Fleetwood, UK

(Click for larger view)

The next episode of Postcards from the Edge...of the World comes to us from Fleetwood, Lancashire, UK. My great friends Frog, Jelly, and Obi-Sven from Frog's Frogtastic Wagsite have sent me a postcard:

(Click for larger view)

Wow! It seems like an amazing beach, guys! And what a great postcard that you made with your own furry, little paws! My friends also sent me another card from their "pet", Bimmy the Bookish at Frogblogdoglog:

(Click for larger view)

Thanks, Bimmy! I think this card is great, even though you had a tough time finding it! Fleetwood seems like a wonderful place to live!

Frog, Jelly, Obi-Sven, and Bimmy spend their time over at FrogBlogDogLog and Frog's Frogtastic Wagsite discussing furballs and helping children to learn new and exciting things.

Kids can play a wonderful memory game with Frog, send a free E-card, and learn about Frog's two very cool books.

It's loads of fun, so please be sure to pay them a visit! I totally understand their websites. No further translation necessary.

And if YOU are interested in sending me a postcard and having your website "Translated", it's simple! All you have to do is send me a postcard, and when I put it up on Rosetta Rants, just write a post linking to my post, so all your friends can see your card! That way, more people will learn about my idea, too! Please CLICK HERE to learn more.

And CLICK HERE to read my previous postcards.

I can't wait to hear from you!


Frog the Dog said...

Youchers, Mr Translator, that's DOUBLE FROGTASTIC!!
We're going to tell ALL our friends.
Gosh, thanks! (I've gone all pink!)

Translator said...

I'm glad you like it, Frog! Thanks again for the postcards!

Anonymous said...

What a marvelous idea, sir. I may well send you a postcard when I am out and about on one of my astonishing adventures, provided I can make it to a post-box without being killed.

Translator said...

That would be awesome, my Lord!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! Very cool indeed and quite interesting!

Translator said...

Thanks, Deb! I hope you can send me a card!